United Democratic Federation

Can I be a Government Official?

In the Executive you are appointed by the President to be Secretary or vice-president, only the Secretary of Foreign Affairs is not appointed, but elected because the Secretary of Foreign Affairs is the WA Delegate.

Can I be a Senator?

For now the Senators are appointed by the President due to the lack of members, but if there are more than 30 nations there will be an election every two months.

Can I be a Judge?

To be a judge you must be elected by the Senate, but for now the Judge is appointed by the President due to the lack of nations. Judges are elected every three months.

What kind of democracy is this if almost all Government positions is appointed by the President?

Our current government is sort of like and interim government now because of the lack of member-states, once it reaches above 30 you will experience a true democracy.

What is the Executive?

The Executive is the government unit where the President, Vice-President, and his Secretaries are.

What is the Legislative?

It is the Senate.

What is a Senate?

It is sort of like a council the President cannot do actions without the Senate's approval, but for now the President can because of the lack of nations.

How does the Senate function?

A member-state of the UDF will propose a bill then if the majority of the Senate votes for it it will be law (passed law) and if if the majority vote against it it will an unpassed law. If the President vetos the bill the Chief Justice will decide on it and it will be a court order.

Can I propose a bill?

Anybody can! Just telegram it to the President or the Speaker of the House.

Can I repeal a passed law?

Anybody can! just telegram ithe passed law you want to repeal the President or the Speaker of the House.

What is the Judicary?

It is the government unit where the courts is.

How does the Courts function?

Well, a member-state brings up a charge against a member-state, then the two sides hire lawyers then the trial begins and after the trial the Judge will give his verdict.

How many verdicts/sentences are there?

There are only two banning a nation and not guilty. For WA Delegate there are temporary loss of powers

What are the types of Laws?

Federation Act - means voted by the Senate.
Court Order - means vetoed by the President but approved by the Chief Justice.